"Signs for our Cemeteries" initiative was completed.
#1 was Soule Street Smallpox Cemetery. #2 was Gammons Cemetery. #3 was the Alms House Cemetery. #4 was Fall Brook Cemetery. #5 was Tack Factory Cemetery. #6 was Wood Cemetery. #7 was Purchade Cemetery. #8 was Vaughan Cemetery. #9 was Reed Cemetery. #10 was Thomastown Cemetery. #11 was Gilbert Peirce Cemetery. #12 was Drake Cemetery. #13 was Warrentown Cemetery. # 14, the last sign, was Infirmary Cemetery.
#1 was Soule Street Smallpox Cemetery. #2 was Gammons Cemetery. #3 was the Alms House Cemetery. #4 was Fall Brook Cemetery. #5 was Tack Factory Cemetery. #6 was Wood Cemetery. #7 was Purchade Cemetery. #8 was Vaughan Cemetery. #9 was Reed Cemetery. #10 was Thomastown Cemetery. #11 was Gilbert Peirce Cemetery. #12 was Drake Cemetery. #13 was Warrentown Cemetery. # 14, the last sign, was Infirmary Cemetery.
"Signs for our Cemeteries" initiative
The Friends of Middleborough Cemeteries members talk with many residents of Middleborough about our cemeteries, and in doing so, we came to realize that many people did not know the names of many of the cemeteries clearly visible along our streets. In order to preserve these cemeteries, we recognized that we needed to promote an awareness of the names of these cemeteries. In November 2011, eight FoMC members attended the "Historic Cemetery Preservation Workshop", an event organized by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation. During the "Community Preservation Act at work" session, one speaker discussed how his town used CPC funding to obtain signage for their cemeteries. Middleborough had voted for the Community Preservation Act at our Annual Town Meeting of June 6, 2011.
The objective of this initiative is to promote awareness. Cemeteries are among the most important of heritage sites within every community. Our community has 14 cemeteries along our roads that don't have signs. Passers-by have no idea how to refer to these 14 cemeteries, except by the street name. Placing high-visibility identification signs at these locations will increase individual and neighborhood awareness of these cultural sites.
The objective of this initiative is to promote awareness. Cemeteries are among the most important of heritage sites within every community. Our community has 14 cemeteries along our roads that don't have signs. Passers-by have no idea how to refer to these 14 cemeteries, except by the street name. Placing high-visibility identification signs at these locations will increase individual and neighborhood awareness of these cultural sites.
Middleborough's Community Preservation Committee (CPC)
In June, 2012, the FoMC submitted an Application for Community Preservation Eligibility to the CPC. At their July 7th meeting, the CPC approved our Step 1 application. In August, we attended the Middleborough Historical Commission meeting, and our initiative received unanimous support. In September, the CPC voted unanimously to "recommend favorable action" for this initiative at the October 1, 2012 Special Town Meeting. The CPC sponsored Article 13, which read:
The article was approved at town meeting unanimously. Since approval, construction began. The goal is to begin placing signs in the spring of 2013.
To follow our progress by way of the CPC website, click here.
To follow our progress by way of the CPC website, click here.
This initiative will create signs that are unique to Middleborough. When anyone sees one of our signs, they will know that this cemetery is a Middleborough cemetery. This is something that has been done by many of our neighboring communities, and Middleborough will benefit from this approach as well.