Federal Resources
United States Geological Survey (USGS) Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)

Click here for the website - This is a federal government database that tracks land-related features like cemeteries, by a feature name, like cemeteries. This will preserve the location information forever. So if a cemetery become neglected and then overgrown, there will be no guess-work needed to find it again.
New England Cemetery Association

Click here for the website - In their own words, "We are an educational organization dedicated to the collection and dissemination of information pertaining to the operation, maintenance and improvement of New England cemeteries. Our members represent all types of cemeteries including municipal, religious, private and non-profit; historical and newly developed; active and inactive. Our members come from all six of the New England states and even beyond and subscribe to the association’s Code of Ethics." Their 2013 annual June conference will be held at the Cape Codder Resort in Hyannis, MA. between June 24th - June 27th, 2013.
The 6 state cemetery associations are: Massachusetts - MAcemetery.org, Rhode Island - no online presence, but a postal address, Connecticut - CTcemetery.org, Maine - mainecemetery.org/site, New Hampshire - NHcemetery.org, and Vermont - vermontcemeteryassociation.org.
The 6 state cemetery associations are: Massachusetts - MAcemetery.org, Rhode Island - no online presence, but a postal address, Connecticut - CTcemetery.org, Maine - mainecemetery.org/site, New Hampshire - NHcemetery.org, and Vermont - vermontcemeteryassociation.org.
the New England state-wide, non-profit, volunteer cemetery organizations

Massachusetts - no such organization exists
Rhode Island - The state created the "Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission", to "study the location, condition, and inventory of historical cemeteries in Rhode Island and to make recommendations to the general assembly relative to historical cemeteries in Rhode Island". It is their hope "to formulate and develop plans and programs to restore, rehabilitate and maintain historical cemeteries and locate sources of funds such as grants and individual or corporate sponsors".
Connecticut - Organized in 1995, the Connecticut Gravestone Network is "dedicated to protecting Connecticut's old burying grounds and preserving their historic significance. CGN provides a communication resource with an emphasis on promoting and encouraging public awareness and safe conservation. We also support those interested in all other aspects of gravestone studies". CGN welcomes "all who have an interest in preserving history, gravestone art work & old epitaphs, and have respect, in general, for the importance of our cemeteries".
Vermont - The Vermont Old Cemetery Association is a non-profit organization founded in 1958 to "encourage the restoration and preservation of neglected and abandoned cemeteries in the State of Vermont " .
New Hampshire - First conceived in 1975, the New Hampshire Old Graveyard Association is a non-profit organization composed of genealogists, historians, cemetery officials and other interested individuals dedicated to preserving the historical graveyards of New Hampshire.
Maine - The Maine Old Cemetery Association, "M.O.C.A., was founded in 1969 for the main purposes of locating old cemeteries in the state of Maine, encouraging the care and preservation of those cemeteries, and the gathering and preservation of historical information regarding these cemeteries".
Rhode Island - The state created the "Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission", to "study the location, condition, and inventory of historical cemeteries in Rhode Island and to make recommendations to the general assembly relative to historical cemeteries in Rhode Island". It is their hope "to formulate and develop plans and programs to restore, rehabilitate and maintain historical cemeteries and locate sources of funds such as grants and individual or corporate sponsors".
Connecticut - Organized in 1995, the Connecticut Gravestone Network is "dedicated to protecting Connecticut's old burying grounds and preserving their historic significance. CGN provides a communication resource with an emphasis on promoting and encouraging public awareness and safe conservation. We also support those interested in all other aspects of gravestone studies". CGN welcomes "all who have an interest in preserving history, gravestone art work & old epitaphs, and have respect, in general, for the importance of our cemeteries".
Vermont - The Vermont Old Cemetery Association is a non-profit organization founded in 1958 to "encourage the restoration and preservation of neglected and abandoned cemeteries in the State of Vermont " .
New Hampshire - First conceived in 1975, the New Hampshire Old Graveyard Association is a non-profit organization composed of genealogists, historians, cemetery officials and other interested individuals dedicated to preserving the historical graveyards of New Hampshire.
Maine - The Maine Old Cemetery Association, "M.O.C.A., was founded in 1969 for the main purposes of locating old cemeteries in the state of Maine, encouraging the care and preservation of those cemeteries, and the gathering and preservation of historical information regarding these cemeteries".