2018 Wreaths across America in Middleborough initiativeTo see the MCCAM video of our Remembrance Ceremony, CLICK HERE.
On Saturday, December 15, 2018 at noon, this charity participated, along with 1,639 other cemeteries across our planet, in one simultaneous Remembrance Ceremony. Here in Middleborough, we placed Remembrance Wreaths at the graves of 232 Veterans located in 6 cemeteries: Cemetery at The Green, Wappanucket Cemetery, Rock Cemetery, Thomastown Cemetery, Central Cemetery, and Titicut Parish Cemetery. The Wreaths stayed in place for 6 weeks. We retired them on February 2nd, 2019, our "Wreath Removal and Recycling Day". We gathered them and brought them to the Soule Homestead Educational Center where we all worked in warmth. The theme for Wreaths across America for 2018 was "Be their witness". The theme was inspired by the 2009 drama Taking Chance, which is based on the experiences of U.S. Marine Lt. Colonel Michael Strobl. |